Structural Strength and EST
Warm Up
This will be the same for each workout to ensure your mobility improves or at least maintains throughout the program.
Cardio 2-3 mins, build up to 85% intensity
Spiderman Lunge: 10 reps each side x 1 set
Inch Worms: 6 reps x1 set
Adductor Stretch: 10 reps each side x 1 set
Windmills (t-spine): 10 reps each side x 1 set
Banded Dead bug: 10 reps each side x 1 set
Side Plank: 20-30secs each side x1
Single Leg Glute Bridge: 10 reps each side x 1 set
Band Pull Aparts: 10 reps each side x 1 setDay 1
A1: Torsonator Press: RPE 8
A2: Heel Elevated Squat: RPE 8
Rest 60-90 secsB1: Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press: RPE 8
B2: Bulgarian Split Squat: RPE 8
Rest 60-90 secsC1: Sled Pull: AM(metres)AP
C2: Reverse Calf Raise (BW): AMRAP
Rest 2-3 mins
Day 2
Echo bike
2 mins on / 2 mins off
Record your calories on each interval
85-95% intensityWeek 1: 6 rounds
Week 2: 8 round
Week 3: 10 rounds
Week 4: 10 roundsDay 3
A1: Close grip lat pulldown: RPE 8
A2: Single leg glute drive machine: RPE 8
Rest 60-90 secsB1: Single arm cable row: RPE 8
B2: Exercise ball hamstring curl: RPE: 8
Rest 60-90 secsC1: Seated Cable Row (70% bodyweight): AMRAP
C2: Push ups (BW): AMRAP
Rest 2-3 minsDay 4
Skill Mill or Ski Erg
1 min on / 1 min off
Record your metres for each interval
85-95% intensityWeek 1: 6 rounds
Week 2: 8 round
Week 3: 10 rounds
Week 4: 10 roundsDay 5
A1: Barbell SL RDL: RPE 8
A2: DB Bench Press: RPE 8
Rest 60-90 secsB1: Cable Face Pulls: RPE 8
B2: Hollow Body Hold: RPE 8
Rest 60-90 secsC1: Sorensen Hold: AM(mins)RAP – cap at 2 mins
C2: Sorensen Banded Row: AMRAP
Rest 2 minsDay 6
Bike or Row Erg
1 min on / 45 seconds off
Record metres for each interval – your worst score is your score for the workout
85-95% intensityWeek 1: 6 rounds
Week 2: 8 round
Week 3: 10 rounds
Week 4: 10 roundsDay 7
Active Rest and Recovery
Option 1:
45-60 min walk outdoorsOption 2:
Contrast Therapy
Sauna 10-15 mins
Ice bath 3-5 mins
Performance coach Zach Bacigalupo