Fit, Strong & Toned Full body Program
Warm Up:
Yogic squat + Thoracic twists x4es
High plank to down dog x8
RB Floss x10
A1: BB Alternating reverse lunges 3×16
A2: Heels Elevated goblet squat 3×12
B1: BB Hip Thrust – (hold 5-10seconds on last rep) 4x 10
C1: Standing Hip Abductor machine (on last rep 8 Pulses) 3×10
- Make sure you’re staying low – keep hips in line with knees – no standing up between reps
D1: Alternating DB Flat Bench Press 3×12
E1: DB Pull-over
F1: ½ Kneeling DB Shoulder Press
F2: Triceps Dips (use RB under knees if needed – or can do from bench)
6x 20m Sled (3x Push + 3x Pull)
Full Body 2:
Warm up:
Good mornings x10
Inchworms x 4
Commando Planks x 8
A1: Trap bar dead lift 4x 10, 10, 8, 8,
A2: Side Plank RB rows 3x 8es
B1: Hack Squat 4x 10, 10, 8, 8
C1: Single Leg Hamstring Curl Machine 3x 10x each leg
D1: Incline DB Bench Press 3×10
D2: Seated DB Lateral fly’s 3×10
E1: DB Tripod row 3x 12
F1: Cable straight bar lat push down 3×10
F2: EZ Bar Bicep curls 3×10
Core: Machine Hanging Leg (or knee) raises: 30secs on 30secs off
Lower Body:
Warm Up:
Body weight Good mornings x 10
Down dog heel pumps x16
Bent knee fall outs x8
A: BB Box Squat 4x 8
B1: BB Split Stance RDLs 3x 8es
B2: Low plank hip taps 30secs
C1: Leg Press 3×10
D1: Leg Extension – (light weight, fast controlled movement – last few reps should be burning!!) 3×20
E1: Adductor Slides 3x8es
E2: KB Goblet Cossack squats 3×12
F1: GHD hip extension 3×8 – hold 5-10secs on last rep
G: 20x DB Box Step-ups -> 2mins incline backwards walk on treadmill
Upper Body:
Warm Up:
Banded pull aparts x20
Worlds greatest stretch x7es
Banded shoulder floss
A1: BB Strict press 4x 8
B1: Pull-ups (use resistance band if needed – or jump up & lower down -eccentric) 4x 5
C1: BB Bent over row 3×10
C2: RB Palloff Press 3x12es
D1: Cable Face Pulls 3×12
D2: Cable triceps extension 3×12
E: Incline bench I.Y.Ts (light DBs) 3×8
F: DB Bicep 21s x2
3x 250m Ski Erg efforts 60secs rest between
Round 1:
2km Bike Erg -> 6x 20m Sled push/pull efforts
1.5km Bike Erg -> 4x 20m Sled Push / Pull efforts
1km Bike Erg -> 2x 20m Sled Push / Pull efforts
Round 2:
12x DB cleans -> 40m KB Front rack carry x3
Round 3:
2min: 14 Ski Calories -> Devils Press remainder of 2mins
2mins off