Strength & Density

| Movement


One of the purest of pursuits in the gym is to build relative strength, or strength relative to your bodyweight. This will translate into improved performance across virtually every aspect of your training including building muscle, training for muscular endurance or power training.

The beauty of the following strength program lies in its simplicity with three strength training sessions per week which is often considered the optimal training frequency for strength and muscle gains. By lifting only three times per week on non-consecutive days you can attack your workouts with maximum effort and productivity. Due to the high intensity of training, you will only hit muscle groups every four to five days to allow optimal recovery for your central nervous system.

The program is complemented by sauna and cold pool recovery protocols as well as weekly yoga sessions.


You will alternate between the PUSH and PULL workout three times each week on non-consecutive days resulting in performing each workout six times over the course of four weeks. The program focuses on RPT (reverse pyramid training) which prioritises your heaviest set first while you are completely fresh as the heaviest set is your money set and has the greatest capacity to elicit maximum strength and muscle gains. Subsequent sets will be less demanding on your neural system as they require lighter loads. The purpose of these extra sets is to provide more volume to the working muscles which will encourage optimal strength gains.

  • Weeks 1 and 3


    PUSH – Shoulders, Chest, Triceps

    Standing Press: 5 sets (RPT – 5, 6, 8, 8, 8)
    Close Grip Bench: 3 sets (RPT – 5, 6, 8)
    Lateral Raises: 3 sets x 8-12 reps
    Skull Crushers: 3 sets x 8-12 reps


    AM: Sauna 12 mins, cold pool 3 mins x 3
    PM: RZ Yoga for Lifting


    PULL – Back, Biceps, Traps, Legs

    Deadlift: 3 sets (RPT – 5, 6, 8)
    Calf Raises: 3 sets x 8-12 reps
    Weighted Chin Ups: 3 sets (RPT – 5, 6, 8)
    Bent Over Flyes: 3 sets x 8-12 reps
    Barbell Curls: 3 sets x 6-10 reps


    AM: Sauna 12 mins, cold pool 3 mins x 3
    PM: Rest


    PUSH – Shoulders, Chest, Triceps

    Standing Press: 5 sets (RPT – 5, 6, 8, 8, 8)
    Close Grip Bench: 3 sets (RPT – 5, 6, 8)
    Lateral Raises: 3 sets x 8-12 reps
    Skull Crushers: 3 sets x 8-12 reps


    AM: RZ Flow and Stretch

  • Week 2 and 4


    PULL – Back, Biceps, Traps, Legs

    Deadlift: 3 sets (RPT – 5, 6, 8)
    Calf Raises: 3 sets x 8-12 reps
    Weighted Chin ups: 3 sets (RPT – 5, 6, 8)
    Bent Over Flyes: 3 sets x 8-12 reps
    Barbell Curls: 3 sets x 6-10 reps


    AM: Sauna 12 mins, cold pool 3 mins x 3
    PM: RZ Yoga for Lifting


    PUSH – Shoulders, Chest, Triceps

    Standing Press: 5 sets (RPT – 5, 6, 8, 8, 8)
    Close Grip Bench: 3 sets (RPT – 5, 6, 8)
    Lateral Raises: 3 sets x 8-12 reps
    Skull Crushers: 3 sets x 8-12 reps


    AM: Sauna 12 mins, cold pool 3 mins x 3
    PM: Rest


    PULL – Back, Biceps, Traps, Legs

    Deadlift: 3 sets (RPT – 5, 6, 8)
    Calf Raises: 3 sets x 8-12 reps
    Weighted Chin Ups: 3 sets (RPT – 5, 6, 8)
    Bent Over Flyes: 3 sets x 8-12 reps
    Barbell Curls: 3 sets x 6-10 reps


    AM: RZ Flow and Stretch


    This program has been created by Performance Coach Jeremy Tsunoda.