Optimise Your Training: Master Your Chronotype

| Restoration

Ever wondered why you’re full of energy at dawn while others hit their stride at dusk? This phenomenon is rooted in chronobiology, particularly in the study of chronotypes.

Dr. Michael Breus is a clinical psychologist and sleep expert who has extensively researched the impact of chronotypes on various aspects of daily life, including fitness, hormone regulation and performance optimisation.

Identifying whether you’re a Lion, Bear, Wolf, or Dolphin can make a significant difference in how you approach your fitness routine and your work life.

Lions: Early risers who are most productive in the morning and tend to get tired and go to bed early. They wake up with energy and tackle their biggest tasks in the first part of the day. They perform best with early morning workouts, leveraging their peak energy levels to kickstart their day with a high-intensity training session.

Bears: The most common chronotype, Bears’ sleep and wake patterns are in line with the solar cycle. They are most energetic in the mid-morning and dip in energy in the mid-to-late afternoon. By capitalising on their midday energy surge, bears can engage in strength training, cardio, or group fitness classes to maximise their workout efficiency and performance.

Wolves: Night owls who are most energetic in the evenings. They often struggle to wake up early and are most productive and creative in the late afternoon and evening. Evening workouts can be a powerful way to unwind, de-stress, and channel their energy into productive fitness or work activities that align with their natural energy patterns.

Dolphins: Often do not sleep well and are tired during the day. They benefit from scheduled workouts when they feel most alert, often in quiet hours when external stimuli are minimised. By incorporating mindfulness practices, yoga, or low-impact exercises into their fitness routine, dolphins can optimise their training while respecting their unique sleep challenges and energy fluctuations.

Each chronotype has its own unique patterns of peak productivity, creativity, and alertness. Tailoring daily activities to these rhythms, individuals can live healthier and more accomplished lives.

Biohack Your Workout Schedule

Tailored Exercise Timing:

Schedule your workouts according to your chronotype for maximum efficacy. Lions could tackle high-intensity interval training early in their day when their energy levels peak. On the other hand, Wolves might find late-night strength training sessions more beneficial.

Optimal Vitamin D Synthesis:

Apps like Dminder track the best times for sun exposure and Vitamin D synthesis. Vitamin D plays a crucial role in muscle function and recovery, making it essential for overall fitness and well-being. Even a short break for outdoor exercise can provide a natural boost of Vitamin D.

Enhanced Recovery Strategies:

Ice Baths: Ideal for Bears (morning) and Lions (afternoon), post-workout to reduce inflammation and speed up muscle recovery.

Sauna Sessions: Wolves and Dolphins can benefit from evening sauna sessions to relax muscles, improve sleep quality, and promote overall recovery. The heat from the sauna helps relax tense muscles, aids in detoxification, and supports stress management.

By Embracing the power of biohacking and honouring your body’s natural rhythms, your workouts will become more effective, efficient, and enjoyable.