Holiday Movement Program
Week 1 & 2
Monday: Partner Workout 300 Club
Warm up:
Spend 10/15 minutes using the foam roller, trigger ball and doing dynamic stretching.Session:
Do this workout with a partner and you can also get other partners involved and create a team workout.The idea is to make it to the 300 club together with your partner.
You have 3 exercises to complete: 300 Air Squats, 300 Push ups and 300 Sit ups in your team.Partner A will start with the air squats whilst the Partner B does a 100meter run, when the Partner B gets back and swaps with Partner A, they will continue from whatever number they have reached.
For example: Partner A completed 35 squats, so Partner B starts at 36 squats – the total 300 is a combined effort.
You cannot move onto the next exercise until you’ve completed the one before.
10/15 minutes doing a full body stretch, finished with a 5 minutes slow walk.Tuesday: Heart Rate Training
Warm up:
Spend 10/15 minutes using the foam roller, trigger ball and doing dynamic stretching.Session:
Heart rate training is working on that base aerobic fitness. The idea of this type of workout, is being able to run for longer, at a lower heart rate and faster. To figure out your heart rate, take your age from 180. That is your upper heart rate range.You will be running/walking for 3km. Once your heart rate reaches that upper heart rate range, you need to walk and lower your heart rate before continuing running. (aim for 10bmp under the upper range)
10/15 minutes doing a full body stretchWednesday: Rest Day
Thursday: 21, 15, 9 Workout
Warm up:
Spend 10/15 minutes using the foam roller, trigger ball and doing dynamic stretching.Session:
To buy into the workout 200 skips (or 100 double unders)21 KB Thrusters
21 KB Swings
21 Butterfly Sit Ups
15 KB Thrusters
15 KB Swings
15 Butterfly Sit Ups
9 KB Thrusters
9 KB Swings
9 Butterfly Sit UpsTo buy out of the workout 200 skips (or 100 double unders)
Finisher: How many burpees you can perform in 5 minutes.
10/15 minutes doing a full body stretch, finished with a 5 minutes slow walk.Friday: Restoration day
Ocean Swim
5 minutes of MeditationSaturday: Fartlek Training
Warm up:
Spend 10/15 minutes using the foam roller, trigger ball and doing dynamic stretching.
400 meter jog, picking up speed in the last 100 metersSession:
Running at 90 – 100% for 1 minute, then a slow recovery jog for 2 minutes. You will continue this until you’ve run 3km.Recovery:
10/15 minutes doing a full body stretch, finished with a 5 minutes slow walk.Sunday: Pool
Warm up:
Spend 10/15 minutes using the foam roller, trigger ball and doing dynamic stretching (focusing on upper body)Session:
1km Swim in pool (or ocean if you wish)Recovery:
10/15 minutes doing a full body stretch.Week 3 & 4
Monday: Full Body AMRAP
Warm up:
Spend 10/15 minutes using the foam roller, trigger ball and doing dynamic stretching.Session:
20 minute AMRAPFirst Round: 5 minutes
30 Jump Squats (with KB)
20 KB Goblet Squats
10 KB Reverse Lunges (each Leg)2 minute Rest
Second Round: 5 minutes
30 Push ups
20 Shoulder Taps (each Arm)
10 Commandoes (each Arm)2 minute rest
Third Round: 5 minutes
30 Butterfly Sit ups
20 Bicycles (each side)
10 V-ups2 minute rest
Fourth Round: 5 minutes
30 KB Swings
20 Burpess
10 4x mountain climbers + 1 Push up (that together equals 1)Recovery:
10/15 minutes doing a full body stretch, finished with a 5 minutes slow walk.Tuesday: Heart Rate Training
Warm up:
Spend 10/15 minutes using the foam roller, trigger ball and doing dynamic stretching.Session:
Same as week 1 & 2 but you will be increasing the distance to 5kmRecovery:
10/15 minutes doing a full body stretchWednesday: Rest Day
Thursday: 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Workout
Warm up:
Spend 10/15 minutes using the foam roller, trigger ball and doing dynamic stretching.Session:
For time complete 50 reps of all, 40 reps of all, 30 reps of all, 20 reps of all, 10 reps of all exercises:Burpees
Air Squat
Push ups
Sit upsRecovery:
10/15 minutes doing a full body stretch, finished with a 5 minutes slow walk.Friday: Restoration day
Ocean Swim
10 minutes of MeditationSaturday: 1km Sprints
Warm up:
Spend 10/15 minutes using the foam roller, trigger ball and doing dynamic stretching.
400 meter jog, picking up speed in the last 100 metersSession:
5x 1km Sprints @ 90% – aim around the same time – 3 minute rest between eachRecovery:
2 minute slow walk followed by 10/15 minutes doing a full body stretch.Sunday: Pool
Warm up:
Spend 10/15 minutes using the foam roller, trigger ball and doing dynamic stretching (focusing on upper body)Session:
2km Swim in pool (or ocean if you wish)Recovery:
10/15 minutes doing a full body stretch.