5km Running Improvement
Monday: Week 1
Test your 5km time (use your time to work %)
E.g. 30minute 5km = 10km/hr – Calculate speed = % X speed 0.00 = Working speedMonday: Weeks 2-4
20s @ 115% of 5km speed (eg . 115 X 0.10 = 11.5km/hr) – 40s jog X 5
Rest 3 minutes
30s @ 115% – 30s walk X 5
1 minute fast @ 110% – 30s walk X 5
A1: Gym Ball Hamstring curls
3 X 8 reps (maintain high hips)
A2: DB Front Rack Reverse Lunge
4 X 6 reps ea.
Recommendation is 15kg each side for males & 7kgs for females.B1: Machine Glute bridge kickback
3 X 8 reps ea. leg.
Choose a weight that you can explode back while remaining controlled on the way back.C1: Power tower straight leg raise
3 X 15 reps
Recommended changing to knee tuck if 12 reps are a challenge.
C2: Russian twist
3 X 20s rep
Keep your feet off the ground and maintain control.D1: SkillMill Sled Push
6 sets 40 meters on, 60 secs rest.
The recommendation is 7 for men and women.Wednesday
8-10 X 400m efforts.
Run at 115% of 5km pace. Rest 2 minutes between efforts.Thursday
A1: 2km run at 105%
Focus on controlling your breathing and keeping your knee drive high and your arms side by side (not across the body)B1: Barbell Back squat
3 X 5 reps @ 70%
Move through full range reps & focus on power out of the bottom of the squat.C1: Push-ups
3 X 12 reps
Chest to ground, lockout at the top.
C2: Ring rows
3 X 12 reps
C3: Elbow plank
3 X 45s
Keep your ribs locked down. This is to stop your ribs flaring when you fatigue in a 5k race.Friday
Perform 60 minutes of trigger pointing with ROMWOD mobility or a yoga class.
Attend PARK RUN 5 km run.
30 min Restoration Zone:
10-minute sauna + 2-minute ice X 2
15 min Brain Tap/Meditation