5 Tips to Address Stubborn Butt, Thigh and Leg Fat

| Nutrition

Although both testosterone and estrogen are present in both males and females, estrogen is considered the female hormone and testosterone the male hormone. A decrease in testosterone makes it difficult for men to gain muscle mass, and an excess of estrogen makes it difficult for both men and women to lose fat. In today’s society, it is very common for estrogen sites to be high. Excess estrogen has been shown to be a risk factor for several cancers namely breast, endometrium, ovary, prostate, testis and thyroid.

While we all make estrogen, and more so in females, what’s important is what happens to it once we make it and how much our cells and organs are exposed to. While it’s normal to produce certain amounts of estrogen, we need to start reducing our estrogen exposure outside the body (these are called xenoestrogens). These come from man-made chemicals, which mimic estrogen in our bodies – the most potent and dangerous estrogens.

The body treats estrogen as a toxin and tries to eliminate it, especially xenoestrogens. In the process of detoxification through the liver, estrogen can be converted into some very dangerous metabolites.

Why Do I store Excess Fat on My Legs?

Our legs, in particular our thighs, have a large number of estrogen receptors which bind with high affinity to estrogens. Poor nutrition/lifestyle and excess exposure to xenoestrogens increase the fat-storing form of estrogen. This hormonal imbalance is known as ‘Estrogen Dominance’ may explain the reason why you may be suffering from excess fat on your hips, bum and thighs.

Using the BioSignature method, estrogen dominance particularly xenoestrogens is evidenced by high hamstrings and quadriceps. Part of the BioSignature program is not just to learn how to measure hormone levels but to provide practical, natural ways to bring those hormones back to normal over a 12 week period.

5 Easy Tips To Reduce Body fat On Your Lower Body!

1. Reduce Xeonestrogen Exposure.

Think plastic bottles, Teflon coating, pesticides and herbicides, commercial meats grown with hormones, hormone replacement therapy drugs and toiletries. Go through your toiletries and throw out any that have the ingredient ‘paraben’ or some derivative of it like methyl-paraben, ethyl-paraben etc.

Parabens are used to prevent the growth of bacteria in a lot of consumer products, from foods to pharmaceutical drugs. It’s most common use has been as a preservative in all sorts of cosmetics: shampoos, conditioners, facial and body cosmetics, skincare products, sunscreens, underarm products (antiperspirants and deodorants), colognes and perfumes, soaps, hand soaps etc.

2. Increase intake of cruciferous Vegetables

Cruciferous Vegetables have been shown to have great success in helping rid the body of bad estrogens. Examples would be broccoli, spinach, cabbage, kale, brussel sprouts, and cauliflower. Broccoli and even better broccoli sprouts contain Sulforaphane which is a specific enzyme that has been shown to be the primary inducer for metabolizing xenoestrogens.

3. Drink Green Tea.

Green tea improves liver detoxification of estrogen, reduces aromatase and lowers levels of damaging estrogens, protects against estrogen-specific free radicals and carcinogens.

4. Eat organic as much as possible

5. Take Supplements with vital greens and flaxseed hulls

By supplementing with these two products you’re providing your body with powerful nutrients, which affect estrogen’s impact.

Reference: By Poliquin™ Is Estrogen Dominance Making You Fat?